Federal Programs

Federal Programs Director

Dedra Sims

Federal Programs Administrative Assistant

Tracy Pagan


The Office of Federal Programs

The Department of Federal Programs is responsible for all Federal grants, including Title I, Title II, Title III-A, Title V,  School Improvement, 21st Century Grants, Family Resource, and Title IX. Our department facilitates and ensures compliance with Every Student Succeeds Act and other Federal and State laws.

Federal grants are financial aid from the US Department of Education that are designed to help the nation's schools achieve equity for all students. The grants provide additional resources to schools and provide assistance to those students who are considered economically disadvantaged. Federal Programs support our schools' mission to foster the personal and intellectual success of all students. Federal funds ensure a quality and equitable learning environment, enhanced staff development, and increased community support. In doing so, we are investing in the future of the Greater Rhea County Area.